Rijeka Development Agency Porin

The purpose of RRA PORIN is to act as a support institution for the implementation of the fundamental strategic and program objectives of the City of Rijeka development.

Functions of RRA PORIN:

  • a business incubator system analyses,
  • studies and strategic documents
  • EU funds and programs
  • educational programs
  • coworking space
  • conference hall and meeting hall rental
  • 3D scanning
  • 3D printing

The goal of RRA PORIN is to create as many new entrepreneurs as possible and create new employment with the encouragement of new investments in the city and region.

RRA Porin manages two City of Rijeka business incubators – Business Incubator for Service Activities Torpedo and Production Park Torpedo.

Official web site

051 634 331


Milutina Barača 62, 51 000 Rijeka