Business spaces

Leasing of business spaces owned by the City of Rijeka

The City of Rijeka owns 1,583 business spaces and manages them on the basis of the Law on Lease and Purchase of Business Premises (Official Gazette 125/2011, 64/2015, 112/2018) and general acts in accordance with the principles of transparency, economy and expediency. The lease of office space is based on a public tender, which are advertised every 4 to 5 weeks by the City of Rijeka professional services. The tender is announced in the daily press, and on the City’s website. All of the most important information is clearly displayed for each vacant office space – from size, starting price, guarantee, permitted activities, as well as the time and method of public bidding, the contracting and the start time of the activity. . To all those interested, the City of Rijeka offers to lease business premises owned by the City. It is possible to perform various activities, from economic, health to various social activities in these spaces. The business premises management aims at the most expedient use of business premises, taking into account all expressed needs of those interested in individual premises, taking into account the provision of the same conditions to everyone through public bidding.

Register of spaces used by OGU for property management:

Conditions and the procedure of the public tender:
Conclusion of the Agreement with previous tenants:
Lease rights and obligations:
Joint tenancy:
Termination and cancellation of the Lease Agreement:
Maintenance of business space:


  • Decision on the lease of business premises (Official Gazette of the City of Rijeka 8/18, 13/19)
  • Decision on the conditions and procedure of the public tender for the leasing of business premises (Official Gazette of the City of Rijeka 8/18, 13/19)
  • Decision on the amount of rent for immediate owners of business premises (Official Gazette of the City of Rijeka No. 5/19)
  • Decision on the purchase and sale of business premises owned by the City of Rijeka (Official Gazette of the City of Rijeka no. 16/19 and 3/22)
  • Ordinance on determining the minimum technical conditions for arranging vacant business premises owned by the City of Rijeka (Official Gazette of the City of Rijeka no. 13/19)
  • Rulebook on determination of rent and activities in business premises (Official Gazette of the City of Rijeka No. 7/21)
  • Law on Lease and Sale of Business Space (Official Gazette No. 125/11, 64/15, 112/18)
  • Initial unit rent prices: from the Official Gazette of the City of Rijeka 7/21