Terms of use

enter.rijeka.hr enables the use of the services and content of this platform according to the Terms of Use below. Terms of use apply to all content and services of the enter.rijeka.hr platform.

By continuing to use this page, you confirm your acceptance of the terms and conditions listed below. Registered users of the platform can publish their content and exchange it with each other. enter.rijeka.hr does not control the content exchanged by the users and cannot guarantee the accuracy, origin or quality of such content.

In order to ensure free and uninterrupted use of the services of the enter.rijeka.hr platform, these procedures are unacceptable and strictly prohibited:

  • publishing, sending and exchanging content that violates existing Croatian and/or international laws, content that is offensive, vulgar, threatening, racist or chauvinistic and harmful in any other way
  • publication, sending and exchange of information that the user knows or assumes to be false, and the use of which could cause harm to other users
  • false representation, i.e. representation on behalf of another legal or private subject/person
  • manipulating identifiers in order to disguise the origin of the content published or sent through the platform services
  • publishing, sending and sharing content that is protected by copyright
  • publishing, sending and sharing unwanted content to users without their consent or request, or by means of deception
  • knowingly publishing, sending and exchanging content that contains viruses or similar computer files or programs designed to destroy or limit the operation of any computer software and/or hardware and telecommunications equipment
  • collecting, storage and publication of personal data of other platform visitors and users

enter.rijeka.hr will not be responsible in any way for the content or the loss and damage to the content of registered users that occurred due to the use of the services of the enter.rijeka.hr platform. enter.rijeka.hr reserves the right to remove content it deems inappropriate or does not correspond to these Terms of Use. enter.rijeka.hr reserves the right to automatically terminate the service of using the platform without prior notice in case of unauthorized use or violation of these Terms of Use.

The content on the enter.rijeka.hr platform is protected by copyright. Changing, lending, selling or distributing such content is possible only with the prior permission of enter.rijeka.hr. If the user believes that there has been a violation of copyright on the platform, he is obliged to report this to enter.rijeka.hr using the contact form. The content published on the enter.rijeka.hr platform may be copied only for non-commercial purposes and only for individual use, and with respect to all copyright and other proprietary rights and any specified rights restrictions. No part of these pages, including the design and structure of the content, may be reproduced, transmitted or copied in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the City of Rijeka.

Registration of projects/subjects on the platform
The user is obliged to go through the registration or approval procedure when applying to the platform and to provide true data. The user/subject is solely responsible for all published content under a particular registered project/subject. The administration team of the platform reserves the right to terminate or deny the possibility of using the platform and/or one or more services without prior notice and/or explanation. The administration team of the platform bear no responsibility for damage caused by the termination of the right to use the Enter Rijeka platform or the Enter Match tool.

Help and support
enter.rijeka.hr does not provide telephone support to users. Help and support are available exclusively through the appropriate e-mail addresses and contact form. The corresponding e-mail addresses are published on the pages.

Privacy and data confidentiality
enter.rijeka.hr respects the privacy of its users and platform visitors. All personal data from the registration process and other user data are collected with the user’s consent and used based on the Rules on the use of personal data of registered users of the enter.rijeka.hr platform. Data about the user will not be available to a third party, except in the case when such an obligation is regulated by law.

Data collection
As with other professionally managed websites, enter.rijeka.hr collects information regarding IP addresses, downloaded content, number of visitors, time of visit, type of browser and operating system, as well as demographic data of visits by country, method of accessing our website (directly or through another link), and all for statistical purposes and analyzes that serve to improve the content of the enter.rijeka.hr portal.

Any unauthorized attempts to modify the data stored in this system, to bypass or ignore security features, or to use the system for purposes other than those for which it was intended, are prohibited and may become the subject of criminal prosecution. If monitoring reveals evidence of possible criminal activity, such evidence may be forwarded to the relevant authorities.

Links to other websites
Some of the links on the enter.rijeka.hr platform lead to the pages of other websites and services. Those pages are not under the control of enter.rijeka.hr and enter.rijeka.hr is not responsible for the content of those pages or for the links on those pages. enter.rijeka.hr is not responsible for any damage caused by advertising on this platform.

Content obtained from users and visitors of the platform
enter.rijeka.hr is not the owner of the content published or exchanged by visitors to the enter.rijeka.hr platform, although it reserves the right to use some of that content during the use of the enter.rijeka.hr platform services for promotional purposes of the services within which the content was published. Publicly available content is all content available to all platform visitors.

We make every effort to ensure accurate and complete information on our web platform. However, with the numerous information, links and documents at our disposal, we cannot guarantee that there will be no errors. We disclaim liability for loss or damage caused as a result of an error on our site. Before making any decision based on information from our sites, we advise you to consult relevant sources of information and confirm the basis for your decision.

Changes to services and platform content
enter.rijeka.hr reserves the right to change, cancel (temporary and permanently) any content or service on the enter.rijeka.hr platform without prior notice. enter.rijeka.hr is not responsible for any damage caused by these changes.

Termination and prohibition of using platform services
enter.rijeka.hr reserves the right to terminate or deny the possibility of using the content of the platform and/or one or more services, without prior notice and/or explanation.

All self-initiatively sent materials, especially photos, videos, texts and other similar materials, i.e. other author’s works (hereinafter: Materials) may be published, once or more, without a time limit. But do not have to be published on the enter.rijeka.hr platform. All persons who self-initiatively send Material to the enter.rijeka.hr platform guarantee, under full criminal and material liability, that it represents their exclusive property and that they claim all legal rights to it. The enter.rijeka.hr platform respects the intellectual property and copyrights of others, and on that basis requires the same from all those with whom it enters into any relationship with regard to Materials that are protected by legal regulations regulating the protection of copyrights and intellectual property. By self-initiatively sending Materials to the enter.rijeka.hr platform, the user expresses, under full material and criminal liability, his agreement with the above-mentioned points of view of the enter.rijeka.hr platform.

Changes to the terms of use
enter.rijeka.hr reserves the right to change or modify the Terms of Use of the platform without prior notice. All changes will be announced on the platform enter.rijeka.hr.