Business Incubator for service activities Torpedo

Business incubator for service industry Torpedo works in the interest and with the goal of general economic growth and development for entrepreneurs. It enables beginner entrepreneurs to use the services of the business incubator and office space at a favorable rental price.

Through the BIS Torpedo, Rijeka’s development agency Porin provides entrepreneurs with quality conditions and support in the beginning of their business journey. But also provides them with support in the later stages of growth and development in order to provide them with simple access to working space, useful training, business consulting and potential business opportunities within the incubators themselves in a complex economic environment.

In this way, incubated companies receive the necessary support to further develop their activity without large technical and administrative costs and operate in a business atmosphere surrounded by other business entities.

Types of incubator system programs:

  • incubation,
  • post-incubation,
  • acceleration,
  • virtual incubation.

Official website
051 634 331
Milutina Barača 62, 51 000 Rijeka