Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka – relocation

The construction of the new hospital includes the relocation of all facilities from the existing three locations to one location. 

600.000.000 EUR

Project value

Area of Development

The construction of the new hospital includes the relocation of all medical and non-medical facilities from the existing three locations (Kantrida, Rijeka and Susak) to one location in Susak. In phase I and phase II, buildings were built for part of the contents of the Clinical Hospital Center (Department of Underwater and Hibernate Medicine, Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation, Medical Gas Station, Pediatrics Clinic, Clinic for Pediatric Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic), while in phase III, a building will be built for all the remaining medical and non-medical facilities of Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka, which would make CHC Rijeka functional at a unique location in Susak.