Rijeka Clinical Hospital Centre

The construction of the new hospital involves relocating all medical and non-medical facilities from the existing three locations – Kantrida, Rijeka, and Sušak, to a single location in Sušak. In Phase I and Phase II, buildings were constructed for a part of KBC’s facilities: Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine Department, Nephrology Department for dialysis and kidney transplantation, Medical Gas Station, Pediatric Clinic, Pediatric Surgery Clinic, Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic. In Phase III, a building for all remaining medical and non-medical facilities of KBC Rijeka will be constructed, enabling KBC Rijeka to operate on a unified site in Sušak.

600.000.000 EUR

Project value


Area of Development


Stage of development​

Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka

Project leader



Government of the Republic of Croatia, European Investment Bank (EIB), Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR), Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)

Partner on the project

EU funds, state budget funds, own funds

Funding model

The construction of the new Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka means an increase in the availability and quality of medical care, as well as an increase in opportunities for conducting high-level scientific and professional projects in medicine, contributing to the improvement of the investment climate in the environment and throughout Croatia.

Contribution to the investment climate

